CRIME AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY DIVISION NEWS SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS FALL 2010 Chair: Stacy Burns, Department of Sociology, Loyola Marymount University, One LMU Drive, Suite 4341, Los Angeles, California 90045-2659. Email:, Phone: (310) 338-2712, Fax: (310) 338-1786 Editor: Diana Therese M. Veloso, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology, Loyola University Chicago, 1032 West Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60660. Email: Inside: Notes from the Chair 1-2 Call for Nominations for Division Chair 2 Call for Papers for Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division Sponsored Sessions 2-3 CJDD 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award in Crime & Delinquency 3 CJDD 2011 Student Paper Competition 3 Call for Chapter Proposals for Agenda for Social Justice, 2012 4 Member News and Accomplishments 5 NOTES FROM THE CHAIR Greetings from the Division Chair! I hope that this newsletter finds you well and that you enjoyed the recent SSSP meeting in Atlanta. This is the first newsletter edited by our new newsletter editor, Diana Veloso, a Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at Loyola University Chicago. Many thanks to Sara Shannon, our outgoing newsletter editor, who did an excellent job editing our newsletter over the past several years. This issue of the Division Newsletter features a report of our Division’s participation at the Atlanta meeting; a call for papers for next year’s meeting and details about our two Division Awards, the Student paper Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award. Please let us know if you have any news or announcements to share with other division members, such as the publication of new books or articles, awards, new positions, tenure and promotions, publication and research opportunities, new programs, etc. Also, my term as Division Chair ends in 2011 and we will be having an election during this academic year for the next Division Chair, so please consider nominating yourself or another Division member for this office. I hope you will enjoy this newsletter. Best regards, Stacy Stacy Burns, Division Chair Department of Sociology Loyola Marymount University One LMU Drive, Suite 4341 Los Angeles, California 90045-2659 phone: (310) 338-2712 fax: (310) 338-1786 CRIME AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN ATLANTA 2010 Division Business Meeting Report, 2010 The Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division of the SSSP held its division Business Meeting on Friday August 13, 2010 at 4:30-6:30 p.m. Our business meeting was very well attended. Next year, I know that we will have even more division members in attendance since it is such a rewarding division activity and lots of fun too! Here is a brief overview of what we discussed: 1) Lifetime Achievement Award: We announce our second Lifetime Achievement Award in Crime & Juvenile Delinquency to be given at the 2011 SSSP meeting in Chicago during a special division session. We encourage Division members to submit their nominations to be considered for this prestigious award. Please see the announcement on Page 3 of this newsletter. [This year, we honored our inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Valerie Jenness, with comments on her exceptional scholarship and accomplishments by Ryken Grattet, Peter Ibarra, Tim Berard, and Shirley Jackson]. 2) Student Paper Competition: The Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division also announces its 2011 Graduate Student Paper Competition. Details are described on Page 3 of this newsletter. The winner will receive a stipend and be eligible to present at the annual meeting in Chicago. Please encourage your students to submit papers. 3) Meeting Sessions 2011: We are very pleased to have developed some intriguing topics for next year’s Division participation at the annual meeting. Please see the call for papers in this newsletter. 4) SSSP Nominations: We came up with a list of scholars that we felt were well qualified to run for various positions in the SSSP elections and submitted their names to the Nominating Committee. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR DIVISION CHAIR Nomination Deadline: December 31, 2010 Nominations and an election for the position of Division Chair will be conducted during this academic year. Please consider nominating a colleague or yourself for this office. Nominations should include a brief description of the nominee’s involvement in the SSSP, the Division and other relevant experience. Please send nominations to me at by December 31, 2010. CALL FOR PAPERS Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division Sponsored Sessions at the 2011 Annual Meeting in Chicago Submission Deadline: January 31, 2011 (12 midnight, EST) CJDD is sponsoring or co-sponsoring the following sessions at the 2011 Annual Meeting, to be held on August 12-14, 2011: Division Sessions Session 18-- School Violence and Others Crimes of Mass Disaster, Laura Agnich, Organizer, Session 19-- Sociology in the “Service” of Community Re-Entry: Re-Integrating Veterans and Others Involved in the Criminal Justice System. THEMATIC, Stacy Burns,, and Matthew Ryan Laurin,, Co-Organizers. Invited Session-- Lifetime Achievement Award, Stacy Burns, Organizer, Co-Sponsored Sessions Session 20-- Victims and Victimization, Paul Steele Organizer, (with Disabilities Division). Session 21-- Serving Drug Users: From Harm Reduction to Drug Treatment. THEMATIC, Avelardo Valdez, Organizer, (with Drinking and Drugs Division). Session 22-- Law and Domestic Abuse, Lloyd Klein, Organizer, with Law and Society, Family, and Sociology and Social Welfare Divisions). Session 23-- Race, Family, and Criminal Justice, Ebonie L. Cunningham-Stringer, Organizer, (with Racial and Ethnic Minorities Division). Invited Session-- Author Meets Critics Session for "Problem Solving Courts: New Approaches to Criminal Justice," by JoAnn Miller and Donald Johnson, Glenn Muschert, Organizer, (with Law and Society Division). CJDD 2011 LIFETIME ACHIEVMENT AWARD IN CRIME & JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Nomination Deadline: December 15, 2010 The SSSP Crime & Juvenile Delinquency Division announces its second Lifetime Achievement Award in Crime and Juvenile Delinquency. The award is intended to honor individuals for their distinguished scholarship in the field of crime and delinquency and/or for the positive impact of their actions/activism to address problems of crime and delinquency and achieve justice. In submitting your nomination, please provide the following supporting materials: a statement or letter evaluating the nominee’s contribution and its relevance to this award; and 2. the nominee’s vitae (short version preferred). Please submit your nomination and supporting materials electronically to: The submission deadline is December 15, 2010. CJDD 2011 STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION Submission Deadline: March 15, 2011 The Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division announces its 2011 Graduate Student Paper Competition. Papers may be empirical or theoretical, and they may be on any aspect of crime, deviance, and/or social control. To be eligible, a paper must have been written during 2010, and at the time of submission, it may not be published, accepted for publication, or under review for publication. Papers which have been presented at a professional meeting or accepted for presentation are eligible. Papers must be student-authored; they can be single-authored or co-authored by students, but may not be co-authored by a faculty member or other non-student. Please submit in MSWord 2007. There is a 25-page limit, including all notes, references, and tables. Submissions should use12-size font, one inch margins, and double spacing throughout. Send papers and a cover letter specifying that the paper is to be considered in the SSSP Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division Graduate Student Paper Competition to: Dr Lloyd Klein. Submissions may also be submitted electronically to: The winner(s) will be announced in late Spring 2011, will receive a $200 stipend, and is eligible to present at the 2011 annual meeting in Chicago. CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS, AGENDA FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE, 2012 In 2004 and 2008, the SSSP and the Justice 21 Committee published the first two volumes of the Agenda for Social Justice. Those reports contained chapters on a variety of social problems, among them poverty, educational inequality, unemployment, environmental health risks, global economic change, capital punishment, post-Katrina disaster response, gender inequality in the criminal justice system, the vulnerability of ESL students in public schools, surveillance technologies, civil unions, domestic violence. We are now beginning our work on the third publication--Agenda for Social Justice-2012. This publication is designed to inform the public-at-large about the nation’s most pressing social problems and to propose a public policy response to those problems. This project affirms the commitment of SSSP to social justice, and enables the members of the association to speak on public issues with the sponsorship of the corporate body. This report will be an “agenda for social justice,” in that it will contain recommendations for action by elected officials, policy makers, and the public at large. The report will be distributed as widely as possible to policy makers, those in progressive media, and academics. The quadrennial report will be a product of the most valid and reliable knowledge we have about social problems and it will be a joint effort of the members and Divisions of SSSP. We invite you to consider preparing a chapter for the 2012 publication. We ask you, individually or with colleagues, to consider submitting a brief proposal (1-2 pp) identifying a social problem of concern to members of SSSP, and respond to the questions: - What do we know? - How do we know it? - What is to be done? As the coordinating committee for Justice 21, we invite members to prepare a draft statement for a proposed contribution to the 2012 publication, tentatively to be produced and distributed by the Edwin Mellen Press ( For the 2012 edition, confirmed contributors include the following well-known sociologists: Frances Fox Piven, Alejandro Portes, and Amatai Etzioni. Please submit a copy of your 1-2 page proposals to each of the members of the committee by March 1, 2011, and contact us if you have questions or would like additional information. Final manuscripts will be due near the end of 2011, and will appear in print prior to the 2012 SSSP annual meetings in August 2012. Glenn Muschert (chair), Miami University, Kathleen Ferraro, Northern Arizona University, Brian Klocke, SUNY Plattsburgh, JoAnn Miller, Purdue University, Robert Perrucci, Purdue University, Jon Shefner, University of Tennessee, For an expanded discussion of Justice 21, see the May 2001 issue of Social Problems (“Inventing Social Justice”). To see the 2004 and 2008 publications, see the SSSP website at the following address: MEMBER NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Steven E. Barkan, University of Maine, announces his new book (co-authored with George J. Bryjak): Fundamentals of Criminal Justice: A Sociological View, 2nd edition (2011). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. The authors make the case that the criminal justice system is a key social institution in the lives of citizens everywhere. The book provides a unique social context to explore and explain the nature, impact, and significance of the criminal justice system in everyday life. This introductory text analyzes important sociological issues including class, race, and gender inequality. The effectiveness of criminal justice in controlling and reducing crime is critically examined to bring readers to a deeper understanding of the operation of the criminal justice system and the genesis of crime and victimization. Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, has published a new book titled Contemporary Critical Criminology (Routledge, 2011). DeKeseredy argues that the concept of critical criminology—that crime and the present-day processes of criminalization are rooted in the core structures of society—is of more relevance today than it has been at any other time. His book introduces the most up-to-date empirical, theoretical, and political contributions made by critical criminologists around the world. In its exploration of this material, the book also challenges the erroneous but widely held notion that the critical criminological project is restricted to mechanically applying theories to substantive topics, or to simply calling for radical political, economic, cultural, and social transformations. Stephen J. Morewitz, San Jose State University, received a Certificate of Achievement and Appreciation from San Jose State University for his participation in the San Jose State University Scholar Series in the Spring 2010 semester. Stephen presented a talk on his book, Death Threats and Violence (Springer, 2008).  His book is currently ranked #1 on Diana Veloso, an adjunct instructor at Bryant & Stratton College and a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at Loyola University Chicago, presented a paper entitled “Normalizing Religious Violence: The Abu Sayyaf in Perspective,” at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, on August 14, 2010. She will be presenting a paper entitled “Of Oppression and Resilience: The Experiences of Women Formerly on Death Row in the Philippines,” at the National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference in Denver, CO, on November 14, 2010. Diana also received the first Diversity Award from the Loyola University Chicago Graduate Students of Color Alliance for her dissertation research. We welcome members to submit editorials, book reviews and other content to the CJDD newsletter! As always, please send us your news and accomplishments for inclusion in the next newsletter. If you would like to submit something, please contact our new editor, Diana Veloso: